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10,885 Participants Researchers in the study analyzed 10,885 men and women ages 40 and older from the Copenhagen Heart Study. Of those, 7,537 had a receding hairline at the temples, 3,938 had baldness at the upper back of the head, 3,405 had a crease in A receding hairline? It is not always due to natural balding, so many factors are responsible— styling, harsh chemicals or heating products. Watch it! Ponytails, braids or weaves are lovely hairstyles and make you stand out in a crowd. But when worn too Researchers analyzing studies published on male pattern baldness and coronary heart disease have arrived at some interesting conclusions: Male pattern baldness is linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, although a receding hairline makes He seems to have something of a receding hairline though at some weird angle a faithful, loyal husband on mad men? so that makes two, right? ken cosgrove is the only other one I can think of. that pass chaough made at peggy was after what may have A new study suggests men taking the drug Propecia to slow a receding hairline also lost the urge to drink alcohol. “Hair Loss Treatment Might Reduce Men’s Urge to Drink” is categorized as “science and technology”. This video was licensed from MEN, THERE’S something new for you to feel bad about, and it’s not an expanding waistline or a receding hairline. Rather, you might have a testosterone deficiency, or low T, that blah feeling of decreased libido and general lack of spark that you may .
But it only affects men who are balding on top. Those with a receding hairline are not at risk, the researchers reported. The findings stem from an analysis of six published studies on hair loss and heart health that involved approximately 37,000 men. Many men with receding hairlines who want to fight male-pattern baldness turn to a medication called finasteride, marketed as Propecia. However, the drug carries some unintended side effects – including, possibly, a decreased interest in alcohol. Researchers in the study analyzed 10,885 men and women ages 40 and older from the Copenhagen Heart Study. Of those, 7,537 had a receding hairline at the temples, 3,938 had baldness at the upper back of the head, 3,405 had a crease in their Again, the link was a bit stronger in younger men. -- Guys with receding hairlines may have less to worry about: Studies that assessed severity found that the balder a man was at the top of his head — but not in front — the more likely he .
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